
Bilge 1074 uses English and English in text productions in institutional, technical and academic fields. An artificial intelligence supported grammar checker developed specifically for Turkish and writing assistant.

Bilge 1074 allows you to receive and edit spelling suggestions in real time. It offers a number of functional features.
If you upload your text to the relevant field, it will be analyzed immediately for free. will start and within minutes you will receive a language score on the general condition of your text. score and possible errors - a classified report of areas for improvement you will see.
After seeing your report, if you wish, Bilge 1074 specially developed for Turkish Our application is instantaneous to improve your text and correct errors with its web interface. You can get suggestions or automatically edit your file or Bilge You can send to 1074 team professional human editing.

About Bilge 1074 Digital Editing

Our Bilge 1074 digital editing technology and language quality assessment tool dissertations, research reports, institutional texts, usage guides and analysis of many different types of documents and Turkish Language for Turkish It has been created by taking into account the spelling guide of the institution.

Make sure you don't make any typos with Bilge 1074, so punctuation is correct. make sure you use it. In addition, your writing should be clear, concise and understandable. You will get various suggestions for
Bilge 1074 Hundreds of thousands of academic publications, theses, specialization thesis and institutional reports and technical trained on the document. From medicine, automotive, social sciences, engineering spelling mistakes, consistency, word choice, subject matter You get original corrections and editorial support on many issues.
Use Bilge 1074 AI as your reading assitant
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Key points


Get a score for your writing and find out where it needs improvement/correction.

Grammar check at over 2500 points
Advanced typing tips
Tonal and style enhancements
Topic-specific fixes and improvements
Turkish medical spelling
Turkish technical spelling check
English -> Turkish Medicine - Dictionaries over 1 million words in technical and other fields
Much more in Bilge1074


Specially developed for Turkish for customer relations and support desk teams helpful communication assistant, personalized responses, autocomplete, faster, better quality publications and much more ....